You can refer my previous post here on use cases of a CRUD application.
We will be illustrating the creation of simple Jade based UI for an employee object in the following post:
Summary of what is being done in the above CREATE UI:
1) Creating a form with form submit action to "createEmployee"
2) Creating a table with the attributes of the Employee objects.
3) Sending the data on button click as a post request.
4) The name attributes from the input type will be used in the server side to fetch this data.
For example: The employeeId will be obtained in the server side as:
You can move on to the next section to see how to create the Read UI here.
We will be illustrating the creation of simple Jade based UI for an employee object in the following post:
extends layout
block content
h1= "Create employee record"
form(method='post', name='', action='/createEmployee')
table.form_table(cellspacing='5', cellpadding='5', border='0')
td.label Employee Name:
input(rows='5', class='k-textbox', name="employeeName")
td.label Employee Address:
input(rows='5', class='k-textbox', name="employeeAddress")
td.label Employee Id:
input(rows='5', class='k-textbox', name="employeeId")
input.button1(type='submit', value='create',id="createButton")
Summary of what is being done in the above CREATE UI:
1) Creating a form with form submit action to "createEmployee"
2) Creating a table with the attributes of the Employee objects.
3) Sending the data on button click as a post request.
4) The name attributes from the input type will be used in the server side to fetch this data.
For example: The employeeId will be obtained in the server side as:
You can move on to the next section to see how to create the Read UI here.
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